what is rga?
The REALTORS® of Greater Augusta (RGA) is a professional organization comprised of real estate professionals and individuals/businesses who have a related interest in the real estate industry. Members who hold the REALTOR® title are licensed real estate professionals who abide by a Code of Ethics. The word REALTOR® is a registered trademark only used by members of a local, state, and national association of REALTORS®.
what is rga's mission?
RGA’s mission is to be a visible advocate for the prosperity of our community by protecting property rights and promoting excellence in professional and ethical standards.
what is rga's vision?
RGA’s 2024-2026 strategic plan includes the five pillars below:
- Collaborate with community partners having mutual interest
- Utilize GAR & NAR resources for local issues.
- Encourage member awareness and involvement
- Communicate legislative actions affecting our community
- Increase member understanding of initiatives to exceed RPAC goals
- Promote Fair Housing, Equal Opportunities, and Professional Standards
- Provide relevant and core real estate education
- Promote member awareness of RGA services and benefits
- Identify and track members interested in association leadership
- Foster diversity and inclusion in committees and leadership
- Encourage volunteering and serving in the community
- Serve and support to improve quality of life in our community
- Improve public awareness of the importance of utilizing a REALTOR®
- Improve media relations to position RGA as the primary source of real estate in our community
- Encourage broker involvement
- Improve communication with members
- Unite industry and community partners in shaping real estate opportunities for all
- Continue to invest in technology opportunities
- Foster opportunities to encourage and enhance member relations
- Employ qualified staffing
- Recognize strategic alliance opportunities
- Maintain state-of-the-art facilities with strategic locations
- Operate a fiscally responsible association with future-focused goals
- Explore market expansion opportunities
history of rga
In 1914, the Augusta Board of REALTORS® was founded by a group of Real Estate Brokers in an attempt to facilitate good relationships between brokers and the public which they served. To a great extent, the necessity of the board of REALTORS® is to promote ethical conduct in the absence of any state licensing laws or agencies.
The original board of REALTORS® consisted only of broker-owners and had only a loosely organized relationship on a state or national level. The national board was dubbed the National Association of Real Estate Boards where the actual members were the boards themselves. Over the years the boards allowed more participation by the salespersons of the members and eventually dubbed them REALTOR® Associates in the mid 1970's. Subsequently, most boards and eventually all boards gave into the all realtor concept which allowed all salespeople equal voice with their brokers in running their local associations. Currently, the members of REALTORS® of Greater Augusta are all members of a strong Georgia Association of REALTORS® and an equally strong National Association of REALTORS®. Augusta has a long tradition of leadership at all levels of the REALTOR® families with numerous Presidents of the Georgia Association of REALTORS® and key positions at the National Association of REALTORS®.
In the 1980's, the board added an additional role by acquiring the Augusta Multiple Listing service to provide a service to its members. This insured a reasonable cost of service and Augusta's REALTORS® would always have the cutting edge technology demanded by its members. The service has recently been expanded to offer the same service to the public in the form of a public web site. In 2023, the Board of Directors officially voted to change the name from Greater Augusta Association of Realtors to Realtors of Greater Augusta.
REALTORS® of Greater Augusta still provides its members with a strong voice to represent private property rights and legislation that promotes the interest of the homeowner. It provides enforcement of a strong code of ethics to promote the professionalism of its members. It provides education to keep its members abreast of the newest techniques and technologies to keep our members in the forefront of the real estate industry. It provides quality multiple listing service to our members and to the public at large. While holding true to the values created in 1914, RGA continues to grow, adapt, and be a leader for positive change in the local real estate industry.

Stacie Adkins
Chief Executive Officer

judi summers
MLS Director

lauren guillebeau
Member Services Director

kayla hogan
Communications Director

taylor hester
Professional Development Director